
_Our Projects and Solutions_

Token Hunt App

Token Hunt™ - a NEW Digital Currency for trade and sales conversion. To learn more about Token Hunt™ please contact us at: Contact: +27 61 495 5369 |

SlashTag App

Slash Tag™ - a new Search Engine aimed to change the face of digital advertising and general access to information on the internet. To learn more about Slash Tag™ please contact us at: Contact:+27 63 227 1012 |

eZak Mobi App

eZak Mobi™ - it's a "Point of Sales" and "Inventory Management System" designed for small and informal traders, including new and established small business enterprises.

NB: This project is currently under re-design and development, please contact us to learn more about it:
Contact: +27 63 227 1012 | 

eStokvel App

eStokvel App™ - This project has passed the concept planning phase and ready for prototyping... contact us to learn more about this project: Contact:+27 63 227 1012 | 

#Always think on the positive side of things_

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